Results: Being In Sync Case Studies


Team Case Studies



Executive staff was uninspired and unmotivated with dysfunctional communication.


APEX program for 6 key executives to help them create new levels of awareness, and become a healthier, more functional team with proactive communication.


By day two, the group had grown to be more open, vulnerable, and willing to try new things. Their willingness to discuss and address important issues increased substantially, and this directly resulted in retaining a key employee who was about to leave the organization. Then because they no longer had to incur the “real” costs of replacing that employee, costs which can be calculated upwards of 300 percent of the employee’s salary (due to things like recruiting, onboarding, and training, in addition to lost productivity and negative effect on morale), their Return on Investment from this factor alone exceeded 300%.

The team enjoyed higher levels of:

  • Awareness: After a week of implementing new awarenesses learned during their APEX journey, all members reported an increase in being proactive within their departments and working together as a team. They reported several times that they were looking forward to working with each other more.
  • Clarity: The group gained more clarity on where their measures were not helping them execute and made the changes required to increase effectiveness.
  • Communication: Every participant reported higher levels of communication, energy and increased engagement.

After only 3 days of “seeing” the progress experienced by this pilot program’s members, the Executive Director scheduled another APEX event was for the rest of the staff.

Fragmented Department Leaders Getting It Together


Six leaders from different departments within an organization were:

  • Operating independently, which was detrimental to their efficiencies.
  • Failing in joint initiatives due to lack of trust, infighting, misunderstandings, and lack of cohesive communication.
  • The leaders were shy, unclear, insecure, and anxious.
  • The participants didn’t like and were attacking one other, taking things personally, and creating a great divide within organization.


Coming together for 100% participation in APEX, a 2-day deep dive that addressed their critical leadership issues and fractured relationships. During this experience, they dealt head-on with their own internal leadership issues, and discovered solutions to correct.


The leaders now enjoy:

  • A Fresh Start: They learned to put the past in the past so they could begin anew.
  • Honest Conversations: Whenever they had a difficult situation, they began going directly to the person to have the conversation one-on-one.
  • Open Communication: They either no longer taking things personally or learned to share any concerns with one another so they could address the real issue.

New Beginnings – The executives now experience more:

  • Cooperation: The members learned to cooperate and work successfully together, supporting each other’s initiatives, something they never did before.
  • Connection: The five leaders allowed themselves to be vulnerable and open up. This allowed for more cohesive and honest conversations.
  • Understanding: They came away with a better grasp of the pressures and requirements within other departments.
  • Congruency: All members reported feeling less stressed and more in sync, with an increase in the quality of their relationships.

When asked to describe the results, many participants simply said: Victory. They also said APEX was “life changing” and “the best leadership program I have ever attended.”



  • Broken and hostile communication.
  • Lashing out and aggressive personal attacks.
  • Gossiping about one another.
  • Lack of understanding about the direction.


Five strangers met at a farm for a 2-day APEX training that addressed their lack of clarity, compassion, and understanding within the organization.


The participants learned they are not alone in trying to reach the organizational goals. They also discovered that by working better together, it made the experience more enjoyable and fun.

They now understand the holistic requirements to meet the goals, and reported increased energy levels. All five members also reported an increase in communication and better outcomes when addressing conflict. They reported less stress, irritation, and an increase in creativity.

They reported feeling that their lives and outlooks have completely changed, and this was the best training that they had ever been to.

Peak LeadershipTeam Case Studies



The team was given a mission-critical project with difficult deadlines and critically high visibility.

Peak Leadership Corporate Event

A Team Assessment was conducted of all team members, and ten key team players were selected to participate in a 1-day event. Each member of the team was witness to the other team members’ interactions when working with the horses. Team members had the opportunity to see how their relationships and communication styles impacted the outcomes of their interactions.

By the end of the event, each team member knew what specific leadership adjustments they would personally need to make to have a more successful team. They became more aware of the current state of their teams, and were better prepared to steer the team away from struggle and failure. Each team member made a commitment to change.


The team evolved and rose above all expectations. They surpassed every single milestone and all barriers presented during the 4-month process.

The team:

  • Committed to making the project their number 1 priority
  • Realized proactive communication is required
  • Learned no is not the answer



The client was experiencing major burnout at work. She was having a hard time being seen as – and thought of – as a leader.

She had isolated herself from her colleagues and was struggling with the idea that she “didn’t fit in with the rest of the crowd.” As a result, she was struggling in her leadership role.

The client was experiencing major symptoms of depression and had an overwhelming sense that “I don’t matter. I believe I was the product of a failed abortion.” This was the narrative she allowed to play over and over in her mind for most of her life. As a result of this internal, negative feedback loop, she had low self-esteem and almost zero self-worth. In addition, she was a recovering alcoholic and felt she was hanging onto her sobriety by a thread. She had been actively working with a clinical therapist to give her the tools she needed to maintain some sort of balance. But for her, that didn’t appear to be enough to truly help.

Peak Leadership

The first task was to get the client to let go of her assumptions, guilt, and past hurts that were interfering with her working relationships. She needed to recognize how her past and the negative thoughts she had about herself were impacting the key relationships she had with all those around her. She needed to face her feelings of worthlessness and doubt and reframe them.

Also, she needed help regaining clarity and direction. By assisting her in identifying her worth and value, she was able to let go of her false narrative and begin to refocus her priorities at work and at home.


Within one day, the client:

  • Reframed her thinking, stopping the negative feedback she had been hearing for years.
  • Achieved clarity with her purpose and value, resulting in improved communication and better understanding.
  • Improved her working relationship with her colleagues.
  • Re-aligned her work priorities and improved her leadership skills.
  • Gained greater freedom to reconnect and rebuild important relationships that had been affected by her low self-esteem and self-worth.

She felt more connected spiritually with who she really wanted to be, versus feeling the need to be validated by others’ perceptions of her. She also:

  • Realized proactive communication is required
  • Learned no is not the answer



The client was an experienced horse person and was introduced to a new way of being. He was a proud executive and father of 4, with a recent loss in the family. He was the “nice” guy everyone liked to work with, however he was unfocused, overwhelmed, lost and confused.

Peak Leadership

As a horse owner, he thought he knew it all, but after a few minutes he learned he could not fake it until he made it. He learned to home in on his own wisdom and listen to his body and emotions.


The client experienced a complete adjustment of position. He became connected to himself, his own horse, children, wife, duties, and the universe. All of the change he wanted was within himself.

Within the last 6 months, the client:

  • Become a key influencer within the organization
  • He had a profound realization that the universe was inside of him
  • Worked on his communication and connection with his wife and kids
  • Addressed many past irritations with confidence and assuredness
  • Increased his focus and joy in mentoring
  • Completed over 75% of his goals for the year in the first 6 months



The client was feeling lost and stuck in the trauma of her past, feeling like she couldn’t get beyond old hurts and failings.

Peak Leadership

Working with the horses allowed her to discover she wasn’t stuck in the past. She was just stuck in a story that wasn’t serving her in the moment. As she awakened to her own inner vitality after releasing her story, she experienced herself fully alive and present in the moment. She felt a true connection with herself and the horse.


After a lifetime of telling a story from her childhood, the client is finally free. Free to leave her past ideas, thoughts, dramas, and traumas behind once and for all.

This program was transformational in how I see myself. I was more disconnected than I would like to believe and I feel I now have the tools to get be connected for myself and my team.



The client was a Senior Manager who was constantly under pressure to perform and responsible for a high-performing group. She was feeling exhausted about her professional direction, and felt her personal life was like that of a child struggling to live. She was feeling broken, unfocused, and depressed when she showed up for a day of Peak Leadership.

Peak Leadership

There is no faking it with the horses. Once the truth was revealed, the connection between the person and the horse can heal years of trauma in a moment of congruency.


The client left the event feeling renewed and excited about her life, as if a ton of bricks had been lifted from her shoulders.

The client became more:

  • Engaged with her employees and the needs of the organization
  • Clear about her priorities
  • Willing to make changes to get centered



The client had a recent break-up and was depressed, unfocused, stressed at work, feeling hopeless and unsure of what move to make next.

The Being In Sync Process

The client was 100% committed to the 6-Week Accelerated program. She did all of the activities and options for homeopathic mixtures to help her integrate the changes she wanted.


After the 6-week program, the client:

  • Smiled more
  • Became more spontaneous (i.e. in the flow of life)

I am so thankful for your guidance and your 6-Week Accelerated program. My life has had a 360-degree shift for the better. When I started this program, I was depressed. I couldn’t focus at work, I was detached and overwhelmed with sadness at home, and I wasn’t getting any sleep at night. It has taken dedication and commitment to follow through with the program and do the work, but it has been absolutely worth it and extremely rewarding. Today, I am a fully-functioning woman. My days are productive, I feel at ease with my life, and I can finally sleep. I feel fortunate to have participated in this program, and I am excited to continue to apply everything I have learned in all areas of my life.” – MG



The client was driven and motivated by money and power. His need for recognition and significance was impacting all aspects of his life. He felt he was disconnected from reality. As a result of this disconnection, he made several choices that resulted in unfavorable consequences: he spent more than he earned, putting himself and his family in financial jeopardy; his relationships didn’t feel authentic, honest or supportive; and he avoided conflict at all times.

At work, he would give others directions without having earned their authority or respect. This caused interpersonal relationship problems, leaving him depressed and suicidal. He indicated that he felt like “life had turned against me,” and his behavior led to him being exiled from the rest of his family members.

The Being In Sync Process

The first step of the process was getting the client to let go of all of his ego-driven beliefs. He had to learn the art of forgiveness, and begin to practice it regularly. He also had to work on creating a new standard for what he considered “acceptable in life,” establishing a clear plan of attack for his weekly actions. Lastly, he had worked to repair and rebuild his damaged support systems.


After the 6-week program, the client:

  • Made a significant family decision to cut all ties that were “not in sync.”
  • Started Toastmasters and began to build confidence and a new network.
  • Decided it was more important to live his dream than to live by old beliefs that no longer supported the way he wanted to live.

And within 6 months, he:

  • Was able to quit his position to follow his dream to become a real estate mogul.
  • Found a renewed sense of joy and purpose in the simple things in life.